










Say hi!

Etos Studio

Web design
Web development
Description about the company
Founded by a group of friends in the late '90s, Etos Studios started as a modest basement recording space. Through dedication and partnerships with local artists, it evolved into a fully-equipped music studio, now serving a diverse range of musicians and providing top-notch recording and production services.
Based in school, they love to mentor and teach younger kids to produce music on a professional level

The goal was to create a dynamic online platform for Etos Studio
that caters to both artists and parents interested in educational programs.

The primary goal was to create a comprehensive online platform that showcases the studio's multifaceted services, targets a diverse audience and reflects its commitment to both professional artists and educational initiatives for children. Highlight its unique feature of teaching kids in a middle school setting.
The objective

Understanding the client's needs and the Etos Studio's philosophy.

Crafting my client's studio website began with Figma, where I fine-tuned the design to mirror their unique philosophy. Figma's collaboration tools made it easy to tweak in real-time. Moving to Webflow for development, I brought the design to life, ensuring it not only looked great but also captured the essence of their studio.
Design & development


Creating my client's studio website posed several challenges. Designing layouts that truly captured the studio's aesthetic proved intricate, requiring meticulous attention to detail and constant refinement in Figma. Incorporating smooth animations for a more engaging user experience added another layer of complexity, demanding a delicate balance between creativity and technical execution.
The introduction of a Content Management System (CMS) brought its own set of challenges. Ensuring seamless integration for easy content updates while preserving the design integrity required thoughtful problem-solving. Simultaneously, optimizing the website for SEO presented a multifaceted challenge, involving strategic keyword placement and other considerations to enhance search engine visibility without compromising user-friendliness.
In navigating these complexities, the combined power of Figma and Webflow proved invaluable. These tools enabled me to not only overcome design and functionality hurdles but also deliver a website that authentically mirrored the studio's identity while offering a smooth and engaging user experience.




To tackle the challenges of my client's studio website, I refined the design bit by bit in Figma, making sure it looked just right. For the cool animations, I found a sweet spot between making them fun and keeping things working smoothly. When it came to updating stuff easily, I set up a Content Management System (CMS) so they could tweak things without wrecking the design. Making the website show up on Google searches was like a puzzle, but by using the right words and tricks, we made it more visible without making it hard to use. Using Figma and Webflow together made these solutions click, resulting in a website that not only looked awesome but was  also easy to manage and reflected the studio's vibe.

